Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine facilitates your innate healing capacity using gentle, evidence-informed treatments. Naturopathic Doctors carefully listen to your story and experiences to find the root causes to your concerns. NDs are trained in supporting your physiology, psychology and other subtle components of your healing intelligence with a diverse set of tools. These tools include thorough history taking, nutritional approaches, plant medicines, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, healing water treatments and counselling, as well as physical exam and lab testing. Applying these tools always happens in the context of collaboration and empowering you to move in the direction of healing that feels right for you.
Naturopathic Doctors are medically trained, regulated health professionals. NDs require an undergraduate degree with specific pre-medical requirements, and four years of rigorous naturopathic medical education, including a clinical internship and successful completion of North American and provincial board exams. Annual continuing education requirements and periodic peer assessments promote life-long learning and professional competence. The strength of Naturopathy is in helping you create the conditions for health.